It's another Manic Monday..

Monday, February 15, 2010

Heard of the "Bad Hair Day?" Well in much the same way I am having a "Bad Tech Day." I have been frazzled since morning. The internet connectivity seems to be as unstable as the heart-line of an accident patient. After frequent fiddling with the switches, routers, and my laptop panels I have whiled away a good portion of my time at an unsuccessful attempt to race its speed. Adding to the frustration is my cellular phone who chooses to ignore all incoming network signals so that it declares me unreachable to those who are dying to hear my soothing voice!

There are two things which according to me makes our lives so much simpler without us knowing it. One, electricity and two, technology. My plight today took me back to my days in Bangalore where I endured hours of power cuts. No television screaming loud, the mobile and laptop batteries having drained out and the heat (no fan) surely did not help the situation. Its true that when you are deprived of certain essentials you start valuing it more. But the point is, I already value these two essentials immensely.

This post is extracted from my diary which reads "Non-technological Idiosyncracies." And yeah, I am having a Bad Hair Day as well!